On September 8th, I attended an event meant to connect students in Georgia Tech’s Facility Management Master’s Degree program with working Facility Managers. As a graduate of this program, and someone who wants to make sure Facility Management students come out of school with a strong network (and hopefully a job offer), I was happy to attend – and interested to meet the current crop of students.
When they graduate from school – if they did not previously have experience in FM – young people can have a hard time getting a job in the industry. By building a network early – and gaining as much knowledge from mentors as they can – these students will hopefully have an advantage in the marketplace when it comes time for them to find jobs.
I know that I have learned a lot in my career from managers and colleagues who shared their experiences with me. I’m honored to have a similar opportunity through IFMA and my connection with the Tech program. If you’re interested in being a mentor – please contact me at joseph@ifmaatlanta.org. Thanks!
Joseph Geierman, CFM, FMP
President, IFMA Atlanta