IFMA Educational Event (Report): Design for the Other 90%

On a recent Thursday evening, a group of Facility Managers converged upon the Centers for Disease Control to check out a very interesting exhibit called “Design for the Other 90%.” The show features design innovations that are meant to provide affordable solutions for the health, energy, water, housing, education and transportation challenges faced by people…


CFM Fear Factor

Have you ever thought that you would like to become a CFM but… oh gosh! Those test questions… what if you sign up and the very first question is something you can’t answer, like…“What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?” Nightmare! No, no, no, fear not – gentle reader, the CFM exam is…


Ask Ms FM Manners – Employee Dress

This begins our occasional series on facility management etiquette, “Ask Ms. FM Manners”. Please post future questions (or alternative answers) in the comment section below Dear Miss FM Manners: Our company does not have a written dress code, but some of my employees don’t seem to understand business casual dress from ultra casual (SLOPPY) dress.…
