IFMA is putting together a video for the 30th anniversay that will be premiering at World Workplace. It will feature people from chapters all over the world passing the IFMA 30th anniversary logo from scene to scene. Check this website for a detailed description
The Atlanta Chapter has been putting together video clips for our own entry in the pass-the-logo challenge — at the Spring Classic, our board retreat in May and at some of the luncheons. We are ready for our finale and need your help!

On Wednesday, August 11; from 11:30 am through 12:30pm, members of our chapter will be meeting at the front entrance of the Georgia World Congress Center for the filming of a dramatic scene in front of the venue that will be hosting IFMA’s World Workplace this year. We are trying to get as many folks as possible to come out and participate, and would love to have you there!
Please come out and show your support. Feel free to invite other people that you think would be interested as well!