How does membership in IFMA benefit me?

  • Increased opportunities to broaden skills and knowledge in all FM-related areas
  • Networking with professionals regionally and globally
  • Access to IFMA research reports, publications and conferences
  • Participation in chapters and councils, offering both personal and professional growth

Click here for Cheryl Waybright’s article, “What is the ROI of IFMA membership?” (pdf document)


How does membership in IFMA benefit my company?

  • Increased efficiency and productivity in its facility management team
  • Ability to identify strengths and weaknesses through benchmarking studies
  • Reduced liability risks by keeping staff informed of important issues and legislation affecting the workplace
  • Access to state-of-the-art, cost-effective product and service solutions to meet your diverse workplace needs

IFMA is the most direct channel of communication between you and the FM world.


short prom dressesTo read more about IFMA International’s Benefits, click here.

To join IFMA, click here.


Atlanta Membership Committee

The membership committee’s goal is to be the ambassadors for IFMA Atlanta. We strive to educate new and prospective members about the benefits of IFMA Atlanta and why they should join. Our commitment is to make all guests feel welcome and engaged. The committee is also responsible for the annual membership directory and the annual membership drive.

Candace Hight
[email protected]


New Member Orientations

New and prospective member orientations are held 2 times a year. These 2 hour events are a great opportunity to meet the current executive board of IFMA Atlanta. We explain our responsibilities and how their active participation will benefit them personally and professionally. There is a question session focused on helping the new members get the most out of our organization. Please contact Candice Hight for more information about the Membership Committee.



It is our pleasure to introduce you to IFMA Atlanta’s new Mentor/Mentee Program. This program is designed to encourage the active participation of new and existing Professional and Associate Members of IFMA Atlanta. We want to pair an active, Professional Member (Mentor) with a new or inactive Professional Member (Mentee), likewise the Associate Members.

As the active Mentor, you will be given a name and phone number of another Professional/Associate Member. The Mentor will invite the Mentee to accompany them to an upcoming IFMA educational or social event that the Mentor was already planning to attend. The Mentor will help the new or existing member to acclimate to our Chapter’s offerings and introduce them to other IFMA members. The Mentor and Mentee will both gain a new friend in the profession, who they can share professional knowledge, challenges and solutions with.

Time Commitment Suggested: One IFMA event per month and any additional time spent is discretionary to the pair. However, the pairs are encouraged to meet outside of IFMA.

The goal of the Mentor/Mentee program is to foster the personal and professional growth of IFMA Atlanta Members.

Please give back to your profession and help IFMA Atlanta by signing up today!